Tuesday 13 September 2011

Rotator Cuff Partial Tear Diagnosis and Treatment

A rotator cuff partial tear is the most common form of torn rotator cuff injury; but what is actually meant by the term partial tear?

Any cuff injury is most likely to occur in the tendons cuff muscles. It is very unusual for the actual muscles themselves to become torn, unless the injury has been caused by a major trauma.

Partial tear injuries are most commonly associated with the supraspinatus tendon although it is possible for any of the four muscles to suffer a rotator cuff tear. The supraspinatus tendon is thought to be particularly susceptible because it has poor blood flow.

No matter which muscle tendon is affected a tear almost always occurs in the area at which the tendon attaches to the humeral head of the upper arm bone. The best way to describe a partial tear would be as a fraying of the tendon as this is how it often appears.

As the name suggests a partial tear is classified as any tear that does not extend completely through the torn tendon. In all cases a partial tear does not result in the tendon becoming detached from the humeral head.

This is really important as it is this factor that means the cuff still retains the ability to perform its major function i.e. moving the arm. There may be an associated reduction in strength due to a tear but the shoulder still operates. Also because the tear is not complete, torn rotator cuff exercises can be used to regain a significant degree of strength.

Symptoms of a partial tear

There are two main symptoms of a partial tear; pain and shoulder weakness.

Although tears can occur as a result of a traumatic injury, many tears occur gradually and no specific injury can be recalled. The pain is usually located at the front and side of the shoulder or upper arm, and is frequently described as having an aching, burning or toothachy quality.

Pain from a tear can either build gradually or have a sudden onset. The pain usually occurs with overhead motions, but can progress to the point that it is present with normal activities, or wake the patient during sleep.

It is important to note however that a lot of people report little or no pain associated with their rotator cuff tear. There are many recorded cases of people having an asymptomatic tear.

In other words they have no idea they have a tear! Not only that but often the pain experienced from a partial tear gradually diminishes over only a few weeks or months.

Raising the arm over the head can be difficult and in some people virtually impossible. Reaching out either forwards or to the side, getting dressed and lifting even small objects can be difficult.

The weakness caused by a partial rotator cuff tear, like pain, varies from one person to the next. It is a weakness of the shoulder to carry out, what are often, simple daily tasks.

Who gets a partial cuff tear?

A tear is most common in anyone over 40 years of age. This is often because of impingement. Impingement is caused by weak cuff muscles allowing the humeral head of the arm to ride up and squash the tendons. The tendons are then much more likely to become torn or fray when the arm is raised.

In younger people a tear is often the result of a trauma such as a fall or some kind of accident. The other major cause in people under 40 is as a result of overuse.

Anything that requires regular use of the arm over the head such as tennis, baseball, painting ceilings etc. can lead to a rotator cuff partial tear.

Diagnosis and treatment

A tear can be diagnosed in a number of ways, generally in the first instance by your doctor doing a physical examination and listening to your history.

Further tests can then be done such as xrays, ultrasound and most likely a rotator cuff tear mri. The mri is the best test as it will often show up both full and partial tears.

The vast majority of rotator cuff partial tear injuries can be treated without the need for any further tests or invasive surgical treatments. Exercise is often all that is required, join me to learn more.

Steve Kaiser has used exercise to treat his own rotator cuff symptoms. Learn how you could do the same at Rotator Cuff Therapy Exercises

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